How Stewardship Creates Both Impact And Belonging In The Workplace
The Capurso Winery is a fifth-generation family vineyard on the outskirts of Verona, Italy. Founded in 1896, it sits on forty pristine acres nestled amid rolling green hills, not far from where Romeo and Juliet (allegedly) fell in love. When visiting the winery in 2019, I had the opportunity to tour the grounds and talk with the daughter of the owner who operates the winery while raising the sixth generation on the property. Marveling at the scenery as well as the longevity of these family vineyards, I asked her, “What is the secret of a five-generation business?”
She looked at me, thought for a moment, and said, “It is one word.” My mind raced through all the possible catchwords she might toss out: family, vision, commitment, profit, wine (alcohol). She said, “The secret is passion.” She then defined passion to me in a way that revolutionized how I saw both business and life: “It is a beautiful work, but it is also very hard. You have to both lookup and see the beauty, and then look down and do the work.”